Walking & Trekking

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Visiting stone deities against the backdrop of cherry blossoms and the snowcapped Southern Alps.

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Visiting Fujimi's ancient stone deities

On country roads of Nagano, you can spot many stone statues such as Douso-Shin (guardian deity of travelers) and Batou Kannon (guardian deity of horses).
Filled with these wonderful relics, Fujimi town is a perfect destination for a historic walking tour.
Come visit our ancient stone deities in the beautiful season with cherry blossoms and the snowcapped Southern Alps.

Date and time

April 14 (Sun.) 2019
from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Walking distance

About 8 km


2,500 yen
(including lunch and guide)

Register with

Fujimi-machi Tourism Association
TEL: 0266-62-5757


3 days before the tour (first-come, first-served basis)
Cancelation fee: 100% of the participation fee when canceled on the day of the tour.

What to see around here

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Idojiri Archaeological Museum

Museum exhibiting valuable pottery, stone tools, recreated houses, and clothes. Excavated earthenware pottery and clay figurines show astoundingly sophisticated artistry and provide invaluable glimpses of how the Jomon people perceived the world here in Fujimi.

Learn more

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Ikenou Shrine

Two tori-i gates lead the way to the thousand years old shrine encompassing a treasure sword. Locals have long cherished this shrine surrounded by trees and buckwheat flowers.

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Tabata weeping cherry tree

A weeping cherry tree with the circumference of 315 cm and the height of 6 m. You can see Mt. Kaikoma, Mt. Fuji, and Yatsugatake Mountains from this cherry tree blooming with plum and peach flowers.

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Kuzukubo weeping cherry tree

A weeping cherry tree with the circumference of 343 cm and the height of 7 m overlooking the snowcapped Southern Alps. Today, this tree stands against a beautiful rural scenery. But supposedly, this spot was a very busy street during the Edo period (1603-1869).

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Sakai elementary school cherry blossoms street

A street lined with cherry blossoms inspires you to go for a spring walk.

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Takamori Kannondo weeping cherry tree

Approximately 250 years old weeping cherry tree with the circumference of 357 cm and the height of 10 m. Located in a country village, its blossoms hang very low almost touching the ground against an old temple with a thatched roof.

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Takamori cemetery weeping cherry tree

A weeping cherry tree with the circumference of 328 cm and the height of 13 m. It is relatively a young tree with beautiful pink flowers.

Tour of Fujimi's ancient stone deities

Tabata Teidan cherry tree

Against the backdrop of snowcapped Mt. Kaikoma and Mt. Hōō Sanzan, this is the last cherry tree to bloom in Fujimi. The reflection of Teidan cherry tree in the water of the rice field is quite gorgeous.